Indie Ministries

Independent By Design

We value the Biblical principle that every follower of Jesus is a minister in one way or another (Eph. 4:12). To this end, we encourage everyone at Sacred Mission to be actively involved in ministry both inside and outside the formal ministries of SMC.

Intentionally, we practice ministry minimalism. As a result, our church members are equipped and encouraged to do ministry in highly creative and unique ways that are independent from our church’s ownership, management, or administration. These ministries are not Sacred Mission ministries, they are ministries led, managed, and cultivated by the members of Sacred Mission Church.

 Indie Ministries

Heartened KinFoster and Adopt Community


A Foster & Adopt Community

Heartened Kin is a community, knit together by Christ, desiring to encourage, serve, and strengthen foster & adoptive families and organizations as they walk out His command to love the widow & orphan.

Holy Smokes Cigar and Theology Collective


Cigar & Theology Collective

Cigars, theology, & biblical manhood. Meeting once a month to enjoy all three.

Fostering the diverse gifts and passions of God’s people.

 Start an Indie Ministry

Sacred Mission partners with its members to strategize, coach, resource, and create space for their independent ministries to thrive. If you feel like God has put a vision and passion within you to see a ministry started, begin the short application process to see it come to life.

To understand Indie Ministries better and to discover the ways in which we would partner together, review the description and overview doc linked below.

Indie Ministries • Description & Overview