
We are a Gospel Centered, City Focused, Church Community

Gospel Centered

We believe the Bible. Through it, God reveals himself to us, no longer leaving us in speculation. It's a story that declares to us the glory of God and puts on display his sovereign power. At the apex of this story is Jesus, the beloved Son of God, who secures for us our redemption through his death, burial, and resurrection. This Gospel is the center of God's story and the center of our lives. We believe when the gospel is faithfully explained, explored, and expressed, the Holy Spirit will elicit a response in us.

To learn more about the Gospel click below:

City Focused

We believe that the gospel compels us to learn from, interact with, and generously give back to our culture in the way we live our lives. Works of social justice, caring for the marginalized and oppressed, and community outreach are not the Gospel, but they are the natural implications of the Gospel rightly believed. Jesus is transforming not only our individual hearts, but culture as a whole, and we want to work tirelessly to that end as we declare "on earth as it is in heaven!"

Church Community

We believe that people were created to explore the Gospel together with honest, vulnerable dialogue about difficult things. We desire to pursue depth in relationships to facilitate growth. Rhythms of prayer, confession, repentance, and encouragement must be a natural place in the life of a follower of Jesus, but they become unnatural when exercised in isolation. We aren't meant to do life alone. We are meant to do it in a community of messy, sinful people who constantly get it wrong, but push toward an intimate relationship with Jesus and one another.

 Doctrinal Distinctives

Above all else, Sacred Mission Church exists to emphasize the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do have certain theological and doctrinal stances that distinguish us from other church groups.

At Sacred Mission, we are:


Being reformed means that we hold a high view of God's holiness and sovereignty. He alone gives us authoritative truth through the Bible. He alone has extended to us grace in spite of our rebellion and sin. He alone has purchased for us faith that he freely gives to us without any merit of our own. He alone, in Jesus, has made a way for us to be reconciled back into relationship with himself. He alone deserves all the glory, honor, and praise.


We believe in the equality of men and women and the principle of male servant leadership. Men and women alike are to be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to utilize their gifting in ministry, in service to the body of Christ, and through teaching in ways that are consistent with the Word of God. With this in mind, we see that scripture delegates the loving headship responsibility to men both in the home and in the church. Husbands are the loving head of their wife and qualified men within the church facilitate this same headship in the office of Elder.


We believe the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity, equally God in glory and majesty, yet distinct in role and service. The Spirit’s work includes conviction of sin, regeneration of the unbeliever, sealing of faith, indwelling of the believer, baptism into the Body, distribution of gifts for service, testifying to the finished work of Christ, and bears the fruit of Christian living in every believer. His gifting to the church has not been quenched nor limited due to any historical events, and His inspired scriptures are clear and sufficient for guiding us in the use of specific gifts in regards to time, place, and order.


We believe that the gospel is such good news that it should be taken beyond ourselves. Through building intentional relationships with people where we live, work, and play, we seek to bring the Gospel with us, believing they will experience the same liberty and joy Jesus has given to us. This also means that we engage our culture where they are, not expecting them to come to us, but going into the dark with the radiant light of the Gospel, seeing transformation happen in the hearts of individuals and in the fabric of our culture.

 What We Believe

We also have a page dedicated to documents that assist in bringing clarity to specific topics. You can view a list of “Position Docs” through the button below.

Instead of just giving you a cut and paste list, we wanted to provide specific and articulated documents to what we believe and affirm. We also do this, because we find great value in being a confessional church, meaning we are tethered to a bigger picture of what the Church truly is and what we should believe both in expanse, globally beyond our local expression, and in history, beyond our modern time. You can check them out in the links below:

Understanding Our Name

The church and the mission of the church are not our inventions. They are sacred in nature. We simply confess in our name and in our mission that we join God in what He is doing. Sacred Mission Church exists because we believe that God is on mission by the power of His Spirit, to rescue and redeem His people, transforming us into the image of His Son, so that culture begins to take on the image of His Kingdom.